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sarah hannah

Create, Build & Manage Your Momentum while Maintaining Your Life-Work Balance...Happy Labor Day!!

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

Happy Labor day to everyone, everywhere & a special thanks to those that serve our communities
Let us put all the labor aside & make it a perfectly, relaxed day!

As a summer baby, I am often sad to see sun fade and summer comes to a close, yet as recently mentioned on LinkedIn - change is part of our daily lives, so why not embrace it? As we move closer to fall, I'm excited. Yes, that might have something to do with an educational trip to India, but it's also about seeing the positive impact my work is having on the clients that I am privileged to help in growing their businesses, which brings me to momentum.

For many, when you realize you've got momentum, you become energized, more positive and confident. This can inspire you to work harder and bring about better results and in some cases, motivates you like maybe nothing has in the past. Positive momentum is very infectious and usually, brings big smiles and amazing energy, typically fueling a change in mindset and creating new or expanded paths to success. The path on the greenway stretches for miles, so this isn't the first mile marker we passed and won't be the last. As such, the mile marker pictured is a symbol...not only to get started but to keep going. It’s easy to stay motivated when things are going well and tougher when they’re not. For me, I try to keep it simple…hope some of these are helpful for you!

Getting started can be the hardest part, the goal is to keep going!
Keep going! One is just the beginning.

  1. Stop and take a breath or three, give yourself time when you need it. That could be 1 minute, an hour or more, the goal is to provide time to rest and reset.

  2. If you’re sitting a lot, just get up and move, stretch and step away from anything not providing positive input to your goals.

  3. Take a shower! Believe it or not, it can totally reset your mood.

  4. Write or record things you want to do for yourself or your business as you think of them, then set a time to review them when it doesn’t take away from your current work.

  5. Remember things happen in cycles, the good and the bad, and that when things aren’t going your way that it will change.

  6. Love what you do or give yourself time to figure it out (it can take a while for some and that’s ok!) – I talk a bit more about it here.

Find and express gratitude every day, just try it and see how you feel.

Have a fantastically awesome labor day weekend!

~ Your friends at SLH Solutions


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